Vitaly Shmatikov
- University of Texas at Austin
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science
External person
Marshini Chetty
- Research ICT Africa
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Research ICT Africa
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Princeton University
- The University of Chicago
External person
Jeremy Clark
- Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
- Concordia University
External person
Andrew Miller
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Harvard University
- School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- University of Maryland
External person
Karen E.C. Levy
- New York University
- Data & Society
- Information Law Institute
- Cornell University
- Department of Information Science
External person
Solon Barocas
- Microsoft USA
- Center for Information Technology Policy
- Princeton University
- Cornell University
External person
Joseph Bonneau
- Princeton University
- Stanford University
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
External person
Hamidreza Omidvar
- Princeton University
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
External person
Joshua A. Kroll
- Princeton University
- Center for Information Technology Policy
- Departmentof Computer Science
External person
Jennie E. Brand
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Univer-sity of Michigan
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Sociology
- Center for Social Statistics
External person
Rachelle Hollander
- National Academy of Sciences
- Center for Engineering Ethics and Society
External person
Allison C. Morgan
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Colorado Boulder
External person
Alondra Nelson
- Columbia University
- Department of Sociology
- Social Science Research Council
- Institute for Advanced Studies
External person
Abdulla Alhajri
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Dillon Reisman
- Princeton University
- Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
External person
Duncan J. Watts
- Columbia University
- Santa Fe Institute
- Microsoft USA
- Yahoo Research Labs
- Department of Sociology
- Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Oxford
External person
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
- Columbia University
- Child Development and Education
- Department of Child Development and Education
- Teachers College
- Department of Human Development
- Princeton University
- Department of Sociology and Office of Population Research
- Teachers College
- Teachers College
External person
Andrew Halpern-Manners
- Indiana University Bloomington
- Indiana University
- Indiana University
External person
Seeta Peña Gangadharan
- Department of Media and Communications
- The London School of Economics and Political Science
External person
danah boyd
- Microsoft USA
- Data & Society
- Microsoft Research and Data and Society Research Institute
- One Microsoft Way
External person
Kengran Yang
- Princeton University
- Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
External person
Yue Gao
- Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Columbia University
External person
Frank Pasquale
- Carey School of Law
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- University of Maryland, College Park
External person
Neil Zhenqiang Gong
- University of California at Berkeley
- Iowa State University
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Iowa State University
External person
Vincent Toubiana
External person
Jessica Staddon
External person
Momin M. Malik
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Pennsylvania
External person
Stephen M. Rumble
- Stanford University
- Department of Computer Science
- Stanford University
External person
Miles Carlsten
External person
Jens Grossklags
External person
Yan Shvartzshnaider
- New York University
- York University
- Princeton University
- York University Toronto
External person
John Bethencourt
External person
Alexandros Psomas
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
- Purdue University
External person
Lincoln D. Stein
- Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
- University of Toronto
- Department of Molecular Genetics
- Informatics and Biocomputing Program
- Computational Biology Program
External person
Russell A. Poldrack
- University of Texas at Austin
- Imaging Research Center
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Psychology
- Stanford University
- University of Texas System
External person
Ann Kilzer
- University of Texas at Austin
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science
External person
Guru Parulkar
- Open Network Foundation
- Stanford University
- Stanford University
- Open Networking Foundation
External person
Joanna J. Bryson
- Princeton University
- University of Bath
- Department of Computer Science
- Centre for Information Technology Policy
- Hertie School
- Hertie School of Governance
- University of Bath, Department of Computer Science
External person
David Mazier̀es
- Stanford University
- New York University
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science
- Stanford University
- New York University
External person
Hristo Paskov
External person
Christos Kozyrakis
- Stanford University
- Department of Computer Science
- Stanford University
External person
Eui Chul Richard Shin
External person
Joseph A. Calandrino
- Princeton University
- Department of Computer Science
- Departmentof Computer Science
External person
Heather Richter Lipford
External person
Helen Nissenbaum
- Princeton University
- Center for Human Values
- Cornell University
- New York University
External person