Nariman Farsad
- Stanford University
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Stanford
- Stanford University
External person
Yonina C. Eldar
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Stanford University
- Technion
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Weizmann Institute of Science
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Technion
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- Stanford University
External person
Mainak Chowdhury
- Stanford University
- ZaiNar Inc.
- Cohere Technologies
- ZaiNar Inc.
- Stanford University
External person
Shuguang Cui
- Texas A&M University
- King Abdulaziz University
- Stanford University
- University of California Office of the President
- University of California at Davis
- University of Arizona
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Dept. of Electr. and Comput. Eng.
- Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of California
- University of California at Berkeley
- University of California
- National Semiconductor Corporation
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- Peng Cheng Laboratory
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Princeton University
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data
- Texas A and M University
- University of Arizona
- Stanford University
- King's College London
External person
Ivana Marić
- Stanford University
- Southeast University, Nanjing
- Networks, Santa Clara
- Aviat Networks
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Ericsson AB
- Stanford University
External person
Deniz Gündüz
- Catalan Telecommunications Technology Centre
- Princeton University
- Stanford University
- Imperial College London
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
- Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- New York University
- Stanford University
External person
Syed Ali Jafar
- University of California at Irvine
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Stanford University
- University of California-Irvine
- Stanford University
External person
Stefano Rini
- Stanford University
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- Technical University of Munich
- National Yangming Jiaotong University (NPJU)
- NCTU Taiwan
- Stanford University
External person
Mohamed Slim Alouini
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- California Institute of Technology
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Texas A&M University at Qatar
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- National Science Foundation
- Sorbonne Université
- Fr. Natl. Ctr. of Telecommunications
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- University of California at Berkeley
- Stanford University
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
- Stanford University
External person
Nihar Jindal
- Stanford University
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Stanford University
External person
Sriram Vishwanath
- University of Texas at Austin
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Stanford University
- Stanford University
External person
Muriel Médard
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Sachin Adlakha
- Stanford University
- California Institute of Technology
- Stanford University
External person
Shlomo Shamai
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Princeton University
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Lucent
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering Technion
- Dept. of EE
- TechnionVIsrael Institute of Technology
- Technion
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Technion
- Technion
- Technion
- Technion
- Technion
- Technion
External person
Chris T.K. Ng
- Stanford University
- Lucent
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Stanford University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Michelle Effros
- California Institute of Technology
- Department of Electrical Engineering (MC 136-93)
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
Yue Zhao
- Stony Brook University
- Stanford University
- Princeton University
- Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Stanford University
External person
Tim Holliday
- Princeton University
- Goldman Sachs and Co.
- Goldman Sachs Group
- Stanford University
- Lucent
External person
Sanjay Lall
- Stanford University
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Stanford University
External person
F. Javier Lopez-Martinez
- University of Málaga
- Stanford University
- University of Granada
- Stanford University
External person
Yifan Liang
- Stanford University
- Goldman Sachs Group
- Goldman Sachs and Co.
- Stanford University
External person
John M. Cioffi
- Stanford University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
Yair Noam
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
- Bar-Ilan University
- Stanford University
External person
Elza Erkip
- Princeton University
- New York University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Ernest Kurniawan
- Stanford University
- Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore
- Stanford University
External person
Daniel O'Neill
- Sun Microsystems
- Stanford University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
S. Toumpis
- Telecom. Res. Center
- Stanford University
- University of Cyprus
- Stanford University
External person
Zhi Quan Luo
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Minnesota
External person
Jin Jun Xiao
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Washington University St. Louis
- Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Minnesota
External person
Stephen Boyd
- Stanford University
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
- IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca
- Stanford University
External person
Tsachy Weissman
- Stanford University
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Hewlett-Packard
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Department of Statistics
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
Anna Scaglione
- University of California at Davis
- Dept. of Electr. and Comput. Eng.
- Arizona State University
- Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability of the US
- Arizona State University
External person
Boon Sim Thian
- Stanford University
- Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore
- Stanford University
External person
Nan Liu
- Stanford University
- Southeast University, Nanjing
- School of Information Science and Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
Mahnoosh Alizadeh
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Stanford University
- Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability of the US
- Stanford University
External person
Nir Shlezinger
- Weizmann Institute of Science
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
External person
Ramesh Johari
- Stanford University
- Department of Management Science and Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
Ahmad Bahai
- Stanford University
- National Semiconductor Corporation
- Stanford University
External person
Larry J. Greenstein
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- AT&T
- Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB)
- Lucent
- California Institute of Technology
- University of California at Berkeley
- Rutgers University
External person
Marco Levorato
- Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
- University of California at Irvine
- Stanford University
- University of Southern California
- University of Southern California
- Stanford University
- University of California
External person
Ezio Biglieri
- Pompeu Fabra University
- University of California at Los Angeles
- King Saud University
External person
Xiaoyi Tang
- California Institute of Technology
- University of California at Berkeley
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
Lifang Li
- Exeter Group Inc.
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
Osvaldo Simeone
- New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Center for Wireless Communications and Signal Processing Researsh
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Center of Wireless Communication
External person
H. Birkan Yilmaz
- Bogazici University
- Yonsei University
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia
External person
Hoi To Wai
- Arizona State University
- University of California at Davis
- Arizona State University
External person
Jianshu Chen
- Microsoft USA
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Electrical Engineering Department
- Tencent AI Lab.
- Tencent
External person
Jinhua Jiang
- Stanford University
- Qualcomm Incorporated
- Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
Vahid Jamali
- Institute for Digital Communications at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). (e-mail:
- Institute for Digital Communications at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU
- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Princeton University
- Technische Universität Darmstadt
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
External person
B. Sinopoli
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Stanford University
- Washington University St. Louis
- Stanford University
External person
Urbashi Mitra
- University of Southern California
- Ohio State University
- Princeton University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- The Department of Electrical Engineering
- University of Southern California
External person
Robert Schober
- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Friedrich- Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU)
- Institute for Digital Communications
- Institute for Digital Communications
- Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU)
- Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU)
- Institute for Digital Communications
- Institute for Digital Communications at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU
- Princeton University
- University of Texas at Dallas
External person
Gerhard Kramer
- Technical University of Munich
- University of Southern California
- Lucent
- New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Syracuse University
- Princeton University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of EECS
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- EE Department
- Department of EE
- University of Southern California
External person
Ram Rajagopal
- Stanford University
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Stanford University
- Stanford University
External person
L. Li
- California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
Lin Xiao
- Stanford University
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Stanford University
External person
Karthik Ganesan
- University of California at Berkeley
- Stanford University
- Stanford University
External person
Soon Ghee Chua
- Singapore Technologies Telecommunications Pte Ltd.
- California Institute of Technology
- Stanford University
External person
Mikael Johansson
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Stanford University
- Stanford University
External person
Sang Wu Kim
- California Institute of Technology
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Iowa State University
- Iowa State University
External person
J. Rabaey
- University of California at Berkeley
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
- EECS Department
- Berkeley Wireless Research Center
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
External person
A. Robert Calderbank
- Princeton University
- Duke University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Mathematics Departments
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Dept. Elec. Eng. Princeton Mat. I.
- EIectrical Engineering and Mathematics Departments
- Cohere Technologies, Inc.
- Duke University
External person
Daniel P. Palomar
- Princeton University
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Yuejie Chi
- Ohio State University
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Princeton University
External person
Angelia Nedich
- Arizona State University
- Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
- Arizona State University
External person
J. Karl Hedrick
- University of California at Berkeley
- Stanford University
- Stanford University
External person
Aylin Yener
- Pennsylvania State University
- Stanford University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Penn State University
- Stanford University
- Ohio State University
External person
Changho Suh
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- School of Electrical Engineering
External person
Natasha Devroye
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
External person
Joshua W. Shao
- California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
A. F. Molisch
- Mitsubishi Electric Research USA
- Lund University
- AT&T
- Wireless Systems Research Division
- Department of Electrical and Information Technology
- Department of Electroscience
- University of Southern California
- Cohere Technologies, Inc.
- Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
External person
Sean Meyn
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
External person
Ralf Koetter
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Coordinated Science Laboratory
- Technical University of Munich
External person
Ronny Hadani
- University of Texas at Austin
- Department of Mathematics
- Cohere Technologies, Inc.
External person
Jianyi Huang
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
External person
Stuart C. Schwartz
- Princeton University
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- University of California at Berkeley
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- Image Sciences Laboratory
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Md J. Hossain
- University of Victoria BC
- University of Technology Sydney
- University of British Columbia
External person
Neta Zuckerman
- Genentech Incorporated
- Stanford University
- City of Hope National Med Center
External person
Haim Permuter
- Stanford University
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
Daniela Tuninetti
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Institut Eurékom
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Sch. of Comp. and Info. Sciences
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Mobile Communication Laboratory
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
External person
Farhad Meshkati
- Princeton University
- Qualcomm Incorporated
- Corporate RandD Systems
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Marvin K. Simon
- California Institute of Technology
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
External person
Stephen B. Wicker
- Cornell University
- School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
External person
Junjie Qin
- Stanford University
- Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
Miguel Angel Lagunas
- European Union
- Academy of Engineers of
- Academy of Science and Art of Barcelona
- Catalan Telecommunications Technology Centre
External person
P. R. Kumar
External person
Junyoung Nam
- Qualcomm Incorporated
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
External person
Ertem Tuncel
- University of California at Riverside
- Electrical Engineering
- University of California at Riverside
External person
Suhas Diggavi
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering Department
- EE Dept.
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- School of Computer and Communication Sciences
- University of California
External person
Behnaam Aazhang
- Rice University
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering and the Coordinated Science Laboratory
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Stanford University
- Univ of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Rice University
- Stanford University
External person
Georgios B. Giannakis
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
External person
Vijay Gupta
- California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
Richard M. Murray
- California Institute of Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Division of Engineering and Applied Science
- Division of Engineering and Applied Science
- Division of Engineering and Applied Science
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Division of Engineering and Applied Science
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
Moe Z. Win
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
External person
Narayan Mandayam
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
- Rice University
- ECE Department at Rutgers
- Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB)
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Rutgers University
- ECE department at Rutgers
- ECE department at Rutgers
- Rutgers University
- Rutgers University
- Rutgers University
- Rutgers University
External person
Deniz Gundiiz
- Stanford University
- Princeton University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Stanford University
External person
E. H. Abed
External person
Michael Drew
External person
S. S. Sastry
External person
Katie Wilson
External person
R. Horowitz
External person
Lizhong Zheng
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Research Laboratory of Electronics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Sarah Kate Wilson
External person