Conference contribution

Search results

  • 2024

    Instrument Overview of Taurus: A Balloon-borne CMB and Dust Polarization Experiment

    May, J. L., Adler, A. E., Austermann, J. E., Benton, S. J., Bihary, R., Durkin, M., Duff, S. M., Filippini, J. P., Fraisse, A. A., Gascard, T. J. L. J., Gibbs, S. M., Gourapura, S., Gudmundsson, J. E., Hartley, J. W., Hubmayr, J., Jones, W. C., Li, S., Nagy, J. M., Okun, K. & Padilla, I. L. & 3 others, Romualdez, L. J., Tartakovsky, S. & Vissers, M. R., 2024, Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes X. Marshall, H. K., Spyromilio, J. & Usuda, T. (eds.). SPIE, 1309432. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 13094).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Thermal architecture for a cryogenic super-pressure balloon payload: design and development of the Taurus flight cryostat

    Tartakovsky, S., Adler, A. E., Austermann, J. E., Benton, S. J., Bihary, R., Durkin, M., Duff, S. M., Filippini, J. P., Fraisse, A. A., Gascard, T. J. L. J., Gibbs, S. M., Gourapura, S., Gudmundsson, J. E., Hartley, J. W., Hubmayr, J., Jones, W. C., Li, S., May, J. L., Nagy, J. M. & Okun, K. & 3 others, Padilla, I. L., Romualdez, L. J. & Vissers, M. R., 2024, Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes X. Marshall, H. K., Spyromilio, J. & Usuda, T. (eds.). SPIE, 130944B. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 13094).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Using xenon-doped liquid argon scintillation for total-body, TOF-PET

    Ramirez, A., Zabihi, A., Li, X., Lai, M., Ahmad, I., Wada, M., Renshaw, A., Franco, D., Wang, H., Gabriele, F. & Galbiati, C., 2024, Medical Imaging 2024: Physics of Medical Imaging. Fahrig, R., Sabol, J. M. & Li, K. (eds.). SPIE, 129254H. (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE; vol. 12925).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2023

    Fast And Automatic Floating Point Error Analysis With CHEF-FP

    Singh, G., Kundu, B., Menon, H., Penev, A., Lange, D. J. & Vassilev, V., 2023, Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 1018-1028 11 p. (Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2023).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • 2022

    Development towards an automated in-flight alignment procedure for the GigaBIT Telescope

    Li, L., Jeremy Kasdin, N., Jones, W. C. & Benton, S. J., 2022, Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes IX. Marshall, H. K., Spyromilio, J. & Usuda, T. (eds.). SPIE, 1218204. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 12182).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations
  • Simons Observatory focal-plane module: Detector re-biasing with bias-step measurements

    Wang, Y., Bhandarkar, T., Choi, S. K., Crowley, K. T., Duff, S. M., Dutcher, D., Groh, J., Harrington, K., Healy, E., Johnson, B., Lashner, J., Li, Y., Silva-Feaver, M., Sonka, R., Staggs, S. T., Walker, S. & Zheng, K., 2022, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 121901I. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 12190).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • The simons observatory: mechanical and electrical robustness of the universal focal-plane modules

    Healy, E., Beall, J., Duff, S. M., Dutcher, D., Johnson, B. R., Sonka, R. F., Staggs, S. T., Wang, Y. & Zheng, K., 2022, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 1219013. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 12190).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • The Simons Observatory: Complex Impedance Measurements for a Full Focal-Plane Module

    Lashner, J., Seibert, J., Silva-Feaver, M., Bhandarkar, T., Crowley, K. T., Duff, S. M., Dutcher, D., Harrington, K., Henderson, S. W., Miller, A. D., Niemack, M., Staggs, S., Wang, Y. & Zheng, K., 2022, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 121900Z. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 12190).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • 2021

    Computational Approach to Design a Liquid Argon time-of-flight Positron Emission Tomography (LAr-TOF-PET) Scanner Using Monte Carlo Method

    Zabihi, A., Wada, M., Ramirez, A., Renshaw, A., Li, X., Galbiati, C., Lai, M., Franco, D. & Gabriele, F., 2021, 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record, NSS/MIC 2021 and 28th International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors, RTSD 2022. Tomita, H. & Nakamura, T. (eds.). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., (2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record, NSS/MIC 2021 and 28th International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors, RTSD 2022).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations
  • First detection of CNO neutrinos with Borexino

    Borexino collaboration, 2021, Proceedings of the 55th Rencontres de Moriond - 2021 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, EW 2021. Auge, E., Dumarchez, J. & Tran Thanh Van, J. (eds.). ARISF, p. 221-226 6 p. (Proceedings of the 55th Rencontres de Moriond - 2021 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, EW 2021).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Intensity uniformity optimization in spatial-light-modulator-based multifocal microscope

    Amin, M. J., Petry, S., Yang, H. & Shaevitz, J. W., 2021, Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXVIII. Brown, T. G., Wilson, T. & Waller, L. (eds.). SPIE, 116490P. (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE; vol. 11649).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Lessons Learned from the Development of a Mechanical Ventilator for COVID-19

    Bombarda, A., Bonfanti, S., Galbiati, C., Gargantini, A., Pelliccione, P., Riccobene, E. & Wada, M., 2021, Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE 2021. Jin, Z., Li, X., Xiang, J., Mariani, L., Liu, T., Yu, X. & Ivaki, N. (eds.). IEEE Computer Society, p. 24-35 12 p. (Proceedings - International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE; vol. 2021-October).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • The Low Polonium Field of Borexino and its significance for the CNO neutrino detection

    Borexino collaboration, 2021, Proceedings of the 55th Rencontres de Moriond - 2021 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, EW 2021. Auge, E., Dumarchez, J. & Tran Thanh Van, J. (eds.). ARISF, p. 441-444 4 p. (Proceedings of the 55th Rencontres de Moriond - 2021 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, EW 2021).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2020

    Assembly development for the Simons Observatory focal plane readout module

    Healy, E., Ali, A. M., Arnold, K., Austermann, J. E., Beall, J. A., Bruno, S. M., Choi, S. K., Connors, J., Cothard, N. F., Dober, B., Duff, S. M., Galitzki, N., Hilton, G., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Johnson, B. R., Li, Y., Link, M. J., Lucas, T. J. & McCarrick, H. & 11 others, Niemack, M. D., Silva-Feaver, M., Sonka, R. F., Staggs, S., Vavagiakis, E. M., Vissers, M. R., Wang, Y., Wollack, E. J., Xu, Z., Westbrook, B. & Zheng, K., 2020, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 1145317. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11453).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • Comparing complex impedance and bias step measurements of Simons Observatory transition edge sensors

    Cothard, N. F., Ali, A. M., Austermann, J. E., Choi, S. K., Crowley, K. T., Dober, B. J., Duell, C. J., Duff, S. M., Gallardo, P., Hilton, G. C., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Link, M. J., Niemack, M. D., Sonka, R. F., Staggs, S. T., Vavagiakis, E. M., Wollack, E. J. & Xu, Z., 2020, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 1145325. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11453).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Design and pre-flight performance of SPIDER 280 GHz receivers

    Shaw, E. C., Ade, P. A. R., Akers, S., Amiri, M., Austermann, J. E., Beall, J. A., Becker, D. T., Benton, S. J., Bergman, A. S., Bock, J. J., Bond, J. R., Bryan, S. A., Chiang, H. C., Contaldi, C. R., Domagalski, R. S., Dore, O., Duff, S. M., Duivenvoorden, A. J., Eriksen, H. K. & Farhang, M. & 62 others, Filippini, J. P., Fissel, L. M., Fraisse, A. A., Freese, K., Galloway, M., Gambrel, A. E., Gandilo, N. N., Ganga, K., Grigorian, A., Gualtieri, R., Gudmundsson, J. E., Halpern, M., Hartley, J., Hasselfield, M., Hilton, G., Holmes, W., Hristov, V. V., Huang, Z., Hubmayr, J., Irwin, K. D., Jones, W. C., Kahn, A., Kuo, C. L., Kermish, Z. D., Lennox, A., Leung, J. S. Y., Li, S., Mason, P. V., Megerian, K., Mocanu, L. M., Moncelsi, L., Morford, T. A., Nagy, J. M., Nie, R., Nolta, M., Netterfield, C. B., Osherson, B., Padilla, I. L., Rahlin, A. S., Redmond, S., Reintsema, C., Runyan, M. C., Romualdez, L. J., Ruhl, J. E., Shariff, J. A., Shiu, C., Soler, J. D., Song, X., Trangsrud, A., Thommesen, H., Tucker, C., Tucker, R. S., Turner, A. D., Ullom, J., Van Der List, J. F., Van Lanen, J., Vissers, M. R., Weber, A. C., Wen, S., Wehus, I. K., Wiebe, D. V. & Young, E. Y., 2020, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 114532F. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11453).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Pushing the limit of molecular dynamics with ab initio accuracy to 100 million atoms with machine learning

    Jia, W., Wang, H., Chen, M., Lu, D., Lin, L., Car, R., Weinan, E. & Zhang, L., Nov 2020, Proceedings of SC 2020: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. IEEE Computer Society, 9355242. (International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC; vol. 2020-November).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    145 Scopus citations
  • Scaling of DLD devices for cell fractionation down to a single column for ultrahigh throughput per area

    Liang, W., Austin, R. H. & Sturm, J. C., 2020, MicroTAS 2020 - 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society, p. 647-648 2 p. (MicroTAS 2020 - 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Simons Observatory Small Aperture Telescope overview

    Kiuchi, K., Adachi, S., Ali, A. M., Arnold, K., Ashton, P., Austermann, J. E., Bazako, A., Beall, J. A., Chinone, Y., Coppi, G., Crowley, K. D., Crowley, K. T., Dicker, S., Dober, B., Duff, S. M., Fabbian, G., Galitzki, N., Golec, J. E., Gudmundsson, J. E. & Harrington, K. & 34 others, Hasegawa, M., Hattori, M., Hill, C. A., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Johnson, B. R., Kaneko, D., Katayama, N., Keating, B., Kusaka, A., Lashner, J., Lee, A. T., Matsuda, F., McCarrick, H., Murata, M., Nati, F., Nishinomiya, Y., Page, L., Sathyanarayana Rao, M., Reichardt, C. L., Sakaguri, K., Sakurai, Y., Sibert, J., Spisak, J., Tajima, O., Teply, G. P., Terasaki, T., Tsan, T., Walker, S., Wollack, E. J., Xu, Z., Yamada, K., Zannoni, M. & Zhu, N., 2020, Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes VIII. Marshall, H. K., Spyromilio, J. & Usuda, T. (eds.). SPIE, 114457L. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11445).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    8 Scopus citations
  • The Simons Observatory: The Large Aperture Telescope Receiver (LATR) integration and validation results

    Xu, Z., Bhandarkar, T., Coppi, G., Kofman, A. M., Orlowski-Scherer, J. L., Zhu, N., Ali, A. M., Arnold, K., Austermann, J. E., Choi, S. K., Connors, J., Cothard, N. F., Devlin, M., Dicker, S., Dober, B., Duff, S. M., Fabbian, G., Galitzki, N., Haridas, S. K. & Harrington, K. & 25 others, Healy, E., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Iuliano, J., Lashner, J., Li, Y., Limon, M., Koopman, B. J., McCarrick, H., Moore, J., Nati, F., Niemack, M. D., Reichardt, C. L., Sarmiento, K. P., Seibert, J., Silva-Feaver, M., Sonka, R. F., Staggs, S., Thornton, R. J., Vavagiakis, E. M., Vissers, M. R., Walker, S., Wang, Y., Wollack, E. J. & Zheng, K., 2020, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 1145315. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11453).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • 2019

    A femtotesla quantum-noise-limited pulsed gradiometer at finite fields

    Lucivero, V. G., Lee, W., Limes, M. E., Foley, E. L., Kornack, T. W. & Romalis, M. V., 2019, Quantum Information and Measurement, QIM 2019. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers; vol. Part F165-QIM 2019).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    3 Scopus citations
  • On the Nonequilibrium Entropy of Large and Small Systems

    Goldstein, S., Huse, D. A., Lebowitz, J. L. & Sartori, P., 2019, Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium - Institut Henri Poincaré, 2017. Giacomin, G., Olla, S., Saada, E., Spohn, H., Stoltz, G. & Stoltz, G. (eds.). Springer New York LLC, p. 581-596 16 p. (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics; vol. 282).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    Auto-tuned thermal control on stratospheric balloon experiments

    Redmond, S., Benton, S., Brown, A. M., Clark, P., Damaren, C. J., Eifler, T., Fraisse, A. A., Galloway, M. N., Hartley, J. W., Jauzac, M., Jones, W. C., Li, L., Luu, T. V., Massey, R. J., McCleary, J., Netterfield, C. B., Rhodes, J. D., Romualdez, L. J., Schmoll, J. & Tam, S. I., 2018, Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes VII. Marshall, H. K. & Spyromilio, J. (eds.). SPIE, 107005R. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10700).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • BoloCalc: A sensitivity calculator for the design of Simons Observatory

    Hill, C. A., Bruno, S. M. M., Simon, S. M., Ali, A., Arnold, K. S., Ashton, P. C., Barron, D., Bryan, S., Chinone, Y., Coppi, G., Crowley, K. T., Cukierman, A., Dicker, S., Dunkley, J., Fabbian, G., Galitzki, N., Gallardo, P. A., Gudmundsson, J. E., Hubmayr, J. & Keating, B. & 17 others, Kusaka, A., Lee, A. T., Matsuda, F., Mauskopf, P. D., McMahon, J., Niemack, M. D., Puglisi, G., Rao, M. S., Salatino, M., Sierra, C., Staggs, S., Suzuki, A., Teply, G., Ullom, J. N., Westbrook, B., Xu, Z. & Zhu, N., 2018, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 1070842. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10708).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • Cold optical design for the large aperture Simons' Observatory telescope

    Dicker, S. R., Gallardo, P. A., Gudmudsson, J. E., Mauskopf, P. D., Ali, A., Ashton, P. C., Coppi, G., Devlin, M. J., Galitzki, N., Ho, S. P., Hill, C. A., Hubmayr, J., Keating, B., Lee, A. T., Limon, M., Matsuda, F., McMahon, J., Niemack, M. D., Orlowski-Scherer, J. L. & Piccirillo, L. & 9 others, Salatino, M., Simon, S. M., Staggs, S. T., Thornton, R., Ullom, J. N., Vavagiakis, E. M., Wollack, E. J., Xu, Z. & Zhu, N., 2018, Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes VII. Marshall, H. K. & Spyromilio, J. (eds.). SPIE, 107003E. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10700).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • Electrothermal characterization of AlMn transition-edge sensor bolometers for advanced ACTPol

    Crowley, K. T., Austermann, J. E., Duff, S. M., Gallardo, P. A., Hilton, G. C., Hubmayr, J., Simon, S. M., Staggs, S. T., Ullom, J. N. & Wollack, E. J., 2018, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 107081L. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10708).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations
  • Feedhorn development and scalability for Simons Observatory and beyond

    Simon, S. M., Golec, J. E., Ali, A., Austermann, J., Beall, J. A., Bruno, S. M. M., Choi, S. K., Crowley, K. T., Dicker, S., Dober, B., Duff, S. M., Healy, E., Hill, C. A., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Li, Y., Lungu, M., McMahon, J., Orlowski-Scherer, J. & Salatino, M. & 4 others, Staggs, S., Wollack, E. J., Xu, Z. & Zhu, N., 2018, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 107084B. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10708).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • New physics results from darkside-50

    Franco, D., Agnes, P., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., Araujo, G. R., Asner, D. M., Ave, M. P., Back, H. O., Baldin, B., Batignani, G., Biery, K., Bocci, V., Bonfini, G., Bonivento, W., Bottino, B., Budano, F., Bussino, S., Cadeddu, M. & Cadoni, M. & 172 others, Calaprice, F., Caminata, A., Canci, N., Candela, A., Caravati, M., Cariello, M., Carlini, M., Carpinelli, M., Catalanotti, S., Cataudella, V., Cavalcante, P., Cavuoti, S., Chepurnov, A., Cicalò, C., Cifarelli, L., Cocco, A. G., Covone, G., D'Angelo, D., D'Incecco, M., D'Urso, D., Davini, S., de Candia, A., de Cecco, S., de Deo, M., de Filippis, G., de Rosa, G., de Vincenzi, M., Demontis, P., Derbin, A. V., Devoto, A., Di Eusanio, F., Di Pietro, G., Dionisi, C., Downing, M., Edkins, E., Empl, A., Fan, A., Fiorillo, G., Fomenko, K., Gabriele, F., Gabrieli, A., Galbiati, C., Garcia Abia, P., Giagu, S., Giganti, C., Giovanetti, G. K., Gorchakov, O., Goretti, A. M., Granato, F., Gromov, M., Guan, M., Guardincerri, Y., Gulino, M., Hackett, B. R., Hassanshahi, M. H., Herner, K., Hosseini, B., Hughes, D., Humble, P., Hungerford, E. V., Ianni, A., Ianni, A., Ippolito, V., James, I., Johnson, T. N., Kahn, Y., Keeter, K., Kendziora, C. L., Kochanek, I., Koh, G., Korablev, D., Korga, G., Kubankin, A., Kuss, M., la Commara, M., Lai, M., Li, X., Lisanti, M., Lissia, M., Loer, B., Longo, G., Ma, Y., Machado, A. A., Machulin, I. N., Mandarano, A., Mapelli, L., Mari, S. M., Maricic, J., Martoff, C. J., Messina, A., Meyers, P. D., Milincic, R., Mishra-Sharma, S., Monte, A., Morrocchi, M., Mount, B. J., Muratova, V. N., Musico, P., Nania, R., Navrer Agasson, A., Nozdrina, A. O., Oleinik, A., Orsini, M., Ortica, F., Pagani, L., Pallavicini, M., Pandola, L., Pantic, E., Paoloni, E., Pazzona, F., Pelczar, K., Pelliccia, N., Pesudo, V., Pocar, A., Pordes, S., Poudel, S. S., Pugachev, D. A., Qian, H., Ragusa, F., Razeti, M., Razeto, A., Reinhold, B., Renshaw, A. L., Rescigno, M., Riffard, Q., Romani, A., Rossi, B., Rossi, N., Sablone, D., Samoylov, O., Sands, W., Sanfilippo, S., Sant, M., Santorelli, R., Savarese, C., Scapparone, E., Schlitzer, B., Segreto, E., Semenov, D. A., Shchagin, A., Sheshukov, A., Singh, P. N., Skorokhvatov, M. D., Smirnov, O., Sotnikov, A., Stanford, C., Stracka, S., Suffritti, G. B., Suvorov, Y., Tartaglia, R., Testera, G., Tonazzo, A., Trinchese, P., Unzhakov, E. V., Verducci, M., Vishneva, A., Vogelaar, B., Wada, M., Waldrop, T. J., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Watson, A. W., Westerdale, S., Wojcik, M. M., Wojcik, M., Xiang, X., Xiao, X., Yang, C., Ye, Z., Zhu, C., Zichichi, A. & Zuzel, G., 2018, Proceedings of the 53rd Rencontres de Moriond - 2018 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, EW 2018. Auge, E., Dumarchez, J. & Tron Thanh Van, J. (eds.). ARISF, p. 195-200 6 p. (Proceedings of the 53rd Rencontres de Moriond - 2018 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, EW 2018).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Overview, design, and flight results from SuperBIT: A high-resolution, wide-field, visible-to-near-UV balloon-borne astronomical telescope

    Romualdez, L. J., Benton, S. J., Brown, A. M., Clark, P., Damaren, C. J., Eifler, T., Fraisse, A. A., Galloway, M. N., Hartley, J. W., Jauzac, M., Jones, W. C., Li, L., Luu, T. V. T., Massey, R. J., McCleary, J., Netterfield, C. B., Redmond, S., Rhodes, J. D., Schmoll, J. & Tam, S. I., 2018, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. Simard, L., Simard, L., Evans, C. J. & Takami, H. (eds.). SPIE, 107020R. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10702).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • Performance of the advanced ACTPol low frequency array

    Li, Y., Austermann, J. E., Beall, J. A., Bruno, S. M., Choi, S. K., Cothard, N. F., Crowley, K. T., Duff, S. M., Gallardo, P. A., Henderson, S. W., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Koopman, B. J., McMahon, J. J., Niemack, M. D., Salatino, M., Simon, S. M., Staggs, S. T., Stevens, J. R. & Ullom, J. N. & 2 others, Ward, J. & Wollack, E. J., 2018, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 107080A. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10708).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    9 Scopus citations
  • Studies of systematic uncertainties for Simons Observatory: Detector array effects

    Crowley, K. T., Simon, S. M., Silva-Feaver, M., Goeckner-Wald, N., Ali, A., Austermann, J., Brown, M. L., Chinone, Y., Cukierman, A., Dober, B., Duff, S. M., Dunkley, J., Errard, J., Fabbian, G., Gallardo, P. A., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Keating, B., Kusaka, A. & McCallum, N. & 19 others, McMahon, J., Nati, F., Niemack, M. D., Puglisi, G., Sathyanarayana Rao, M., Reichardt, C. L., Salatino, M., Siritanasak, P., Staggs, S., Suzuki, A., Teply, G., Thomas, D. B., Ullom, J. N., Vergès, C., Vissers, M. R., Westbrook, B., Wollack, E. J., Xu, Z. & Zhu, N., 2018, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX. Zmuidzinas, J. & Gao, J.-R. (eds.). SPIE, 107083Z. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10708).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Fast access to columnar, hierarchically nested data via code transformation

    Pivarski, J., Elmer, P., Bockelman, B. & Zhang, Z., Jul 1 2017, Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2017. Nie, J.-Y., Obradovic, Z., Suzumura, T., Ghosh, R., Nambiar, R., Wang, C., Zang, H., Baeza-Yates, R., Baeza-Yates, R., Hu, X., Kepner, J., Cuzzocrea, A., Tang, J. & Toyoda, M. (eds.). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 253-262 10 p. (Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2017; vol. 2018-January).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Nuclear Matrix Elements for Tests of Fundamental Symmetries

    Brown, B. A., Bertsch, G. F., Robledo, L. M., Romalis, M. V. & Zelevinsky, V., 2017, Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry. Kostelecky, V. A. (ed.). World Scientific, p. 61-64 4 p. (Proceedings of the 7th Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, 2016; vol. 0).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations
  • Results from borexino at lngs

    Borexino collaboration, 2017, PARTICLE PHYSICS at the Year of Light. Studenikin, A. I. & Studenikin, A. I. (eds.). World Scientific, p. 81-86 6 p. (Proceedings of the 17th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics - Particle Physics at the Year of Light, 2015; vol. 0).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Stochastic filtering of two-photon imaging using reweighted ℓ1

    Charles, A. S., Song, A., Koay, S. A., Tank, D. W. & Pillow, J. W., Jun 16 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2017 - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 1038-1042 5 p. 7952314. (ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    3 Scopus citations
  • The darkside-50 experiment: A liquid argon target for dark matter particles

    Agnes, P., Agostino, L., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., Arisaka, K., Back, H. O., Baldin, B., Biery, K., Bonfini, G., Bossa, M., Bottino, B., Brigatti, A., Brodsky, J., Budano, F., Bussino, S., Cadeddu, M., Cadonati, L., Cadoni, M. & Calaprice, F. & 139 others, Canci, N., Candela, A., Cao, H., Cariello, M., Carlini, M., Catalanotti, S., Cavalcante, P., Chepurnov, A., Cocco, A. G., Covone, G., Crippa, L., D’Angelo, D., D’Incecco, M., Davini, S., de Cecco, S., de Deo, M., de Vincenzi, M., Derbin, A., Devoto, A., di Eusanio, F., di Pietro, G., Edkins, E., Empl, A., Fan, A., Fiorillo, G., Fomenko, K., Forster, G., Franco, D., Gabriele, F., Galbiati, C., Giganti, C., Goretti, A. M., Granato, F., Grandi, L., Gromov, M., Guan, M., Guardincerri, Y., Hackett, B. R., Herner, K., Hungerford, E. V., Ianni, A., Ianni, A., James, I., Jollet, C., Keeter, K., Kendziora, C. L., Kobychev, V., Koh, G., Korablev, D., Korga, G., Kubankin, A., Li, X., Lissia, M., Lombardi, P., Luitz, S., Ma, Y., Machulin, I. N., Mandarano, A., Mari, S. M., Maricic, J., Marini, L., Martoff, C. J., Meregaglia, A., Meyers, P. D., Miletic, T., Milincic, R., Montanari, D., Monte, A., Montuschi, M., Monzani, M., Mosteiro, P., Mount, B. J., Muratova, V. N., Musico, P., Napolitano, J., Nelson, A., Odrowski, S., Orsini, M., Ortica, F., Pagani, L., Pallavicini, M., Pantic, E., Parmeggiano, S., Pelczar, K., Pelliccia, N., Perasso, S., Pocar, A., Pordes, S., Pugachev, D. A., Qian, H., Randle, K., Ranucci, G., Razeto, A., Reinhold, B., Renshaw, A. L., Romani, A., Rossi, B., Rossi, N., Rountree, D., Sablone, D., Saggese, P., Saldanha, R., Sands, W., Sangiorgio, S., Savarese, C., Segreto, E., Semenov, D. A., Shields, E., Singh, P. N., Skorokhvatov, M. D., Smirnov, O., Sotnikov, A., Stanford, C., Suvorov, Y., Tartaglia, R., Tatarowicz, J., Testera, G., Tonazzo, A., Trinchese, P., Unzhakov, E. V., Vishneva, A., Vogelaar, B., Wada, M., Walker, S., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Watson, A. W., Westerdale, S., Wilhelmi, J., Wojcik, M. M., Xiang, X., Xu, J., Yang, C., Yoo, J., Zavatarelli, S., Zec, A., Zhong, W., Zhu, C. & Zuzel, G., 2017, PARTICLE PHYSICS at the Year of Light. Studenikin, A. I. & Studenikin, A. I. (eds.). World Scientific, p. 355-360 6 p. (Proceedings of the 17th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics - Particle Physics at the Year of Light, 2015; vol. 0).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • The DarkSide direct dark matter search with liquid argon

    Edkins, E., Agnes, P., Alexander, T., Alton, A., Arisaka, K., Back, H. O., Baldin, B., Biery, K., Bonfini, G., Bossa, M., Brigatti, A., Brodsky, J., Budano, F., Cadonati, L., Calaprice, F., Canci, N., Candela, A., Cao, H., Cariello, M. & Cavalcante, P. & 125 others, Chavarria, A., Chepurnov, A., Cocco, A. G., Crippa, L., D'Angelo, D., D'Incecco, M., Davini, S., De Deo, M., Derbin, A., Devoto, A., Di Eusanio, F., Di Pietro, G., Empl, A., Fan, A., Fiorillo, G., Fomenko, K., Forster, G., Franco, D., Gabriele, F., Galbiati, C., Goretti, A., Grandi, L., Gromov, M., Guan, M. Y., Guardincerri, Y., Hackett, B., Herner, K., Humble, P., Hungerford, E. V., Ianni, A., Ianni, A., Jollet, C., Keeter, K., Kendziora, C., Kobychev, V., Koh, G., Korablev, D., Korga, G., Kurlej, A., Li, P. X., Loer, B., Lombardi, P., Love, C., Ludhova, L., Luitz, S., Ma, Y. Q., Machulin, I., Mandarano, A., Mari, S., Maricic, J., Marini, L., Martoff, C. J., Meregaglia, A., Meroni, E., Meyers, P. D., Milincic, R., Montanari, D., Montuschi, M., Monzani, M. E., Mosteiro, P., Mount, B., Muratova, V., Musico, P., Nelson, A., Odrowski, S., Okounkova, M., Orsini, M., Ortica, F., Pagani, L., Pallavicini, M., Pantic, E., Papp, L., Parmeggiano, S., Parsells, R., Pelczar, K., Pelliccia, N., Perasso, S., Pocar, A., Pordes, S., Pugachev, D., Qian, H., Randle, K., Ranucci, G., Razeto, A., Reinhold, B., Renshaw, A., Romani, A., Rossi, B., Rossi, N., Rountree, S. D., Sablone, D., Saggese, P., Saldanha, R., Sands, W., Sangiorgio, S., Segreto, E., Semenov, D., Shields, E., Skorokhvatov, M., Smirnov, O., Sotnikov, A., Stanford, C., Suvorov, Y., Tartaglia, R., Tatarowicz, J., Testera, G., Tonazzo, A., Unzhakov, E., Vogelaar, R. B., Wada, M., Walker, S., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Watson, A., Westerdale, S., Wojcik, M., Wright, A., Xiang, X., Xu, J., Yang, C. G., Yoo, J., Zavatarelli, S., Zec, A., Zhu, C. & Zuzel, G., Nov 3 2017, CETUP* 2016 - Workshop on Neutrino Physics and Unification, Near Detector Physics and Dark Matter. Szczerbinska, B., Babu, K., Balantekin, B., Strigari, L., Mishra, S., Sandick, P., Raby, S. & Kumar, J. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 040004. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 1900).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2016

    Assembly and integration process of the first high density detector array for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope

    Li, Y., Choi, S., Ho, S. P., Crowley, K. T., Salatino, M., Simon, S. M., Staggs, S. T., Nati, F., Ward, J., Schmitt, B. L., Henderson, S., Koopman, B. J., Gallardo, P. A., Vavagiakis, E. M., Niemack, M. D., McMahon, J., Duff, S. M., Schillaci, A., Hubmayr, J. & Hilton, G. C. & 2 others, Beall, J. A. & Wollack, E. J., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 991435. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    4 Scopus citations
  • BICEP3 focal plane design and detector performance

    Hui, H., Ade, P. A. R., Ahmed, Z., Alexander, K. D., Amiri, M., Barkats, D., Benton, S. J., Bischoff, C. A., Bock, J. J., Boenish, H., Bowens-Rubin, R., Buder, I., Bullock, E., Buza, V., Connors, J., Filippini, J. P., Fliescher, S., Grayson, J. A., Halpern, M. & Harrison, S. & 39 others, Hilton, G. C., Hristov, V. V., Irwin, K. D., Kang, J., Karkare, K. S., Karpel, E., Kefeli, S., Kernasovskiy, S. A., Kovac, J. M., Kuo, C. L., Leitch, E. M., Lueker, M., Megerian, K. G., Monticue, V., Namikawa, T., Netterfield, C. B., Nguyen, H. T., O'Brient, R., Ogburn, R. W., Pryke, C., Reintsema, C. D., Richter, S., Schwarz, R., Sorensen, C., Sheehy, C. D., Staniszewski, Z. K., Steinbach, B., Teply, G. P., Thompson, K. L., Tolan, J. E., Tucker, C., Turner, A. D., Vieregg, A. G., Wandui, A., Weber, A. C., Wiebe, D. V., Willmert, J., Wu, W. L. K. & Yoon, K. W., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 99140T. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • BICEP3 performance overview and planned Keck Array upgrade

    Grayson, J. A., Ade, P. A. R., Ahmed, Z., Alexander, K. D., Amiri, M., Barkats, D., Benton, S. J., Bischoff, C. A., Bock, J. J., Boenish, H., Bowens-Rubin, R., Buder, I., Bullock, E., Buza, V., Connors, J., Filippini, J. P., Fliescher, S., Halpern, M., Harrison, S. & Hilton, G. C. & 39 others, Hristov, V. V., Hui, H., Irwin, K. D., Kang, J., Karkare, K. S., Karpel, E., Kefeli, S., Kernasovskiy, S. A., Kovac, J. M., Kuo, C. L., Leitch, E. M., Lueker, M., Megerian, K. G., Monticue, V., Namikawa, T., Netterfield, C. B., Nguyen, H. T., O'Brient, R., Ogburn, R. W., Pryke, C., Reintsema, C. D., Richter, S., Schwarz, R., Sorenson, C., Sheehy, C. D., Staniszewski, Z. K., Steinbach, B., Teply, G. P., Thompson, K. L., Tolan, J. E., Tucker, C., Turner, A. D., Vieregg, A. G., Wandui, A., Weber, A. C., Wiebe, D. V., Willmert, J., Wu, W. L. K. & Yoon, K. W., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 99140S. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    57 Scopus citations
  • Characterization of AlMn TES impedance, noise, and optical efficiency in the first 150 mm multichroic array for Advanced ACTPol

    Crowley, K. T., Choi, S. K., Kuan, J., Austermann, J. A., Beall, J. A., Datta, R., Duff, S. M., Gallardo, P. A., Hasselfield, M., Henderson, S. W., Ho, S. P. P., Koopman, B. J., Niemack, M. D., Salatino, M., Simon, S. M., Staggs, S. T. & Wollack, E. J., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 991431. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    2 Scopus citations
  • Design of 280 GHz feedhorn-coupled TES arrays for the balloon-borne polarimeter SPIDER

    Hubmayr, J., Austermann, J. E., Beall, J. A., Becker, D. T., Benton, S. J., Bergman, A. S., Bond, J. R., Bryan, S., Duff, S. M., Duivenvoorden, A. J., Eriksen, H. K., Filippini, J. P., Fraisse, A., Galloway, M., Gambrel, A. E., Ganga, K., Grigorian, A. L., Gualtieri, R., Gudmundsson, J. E. & Hartley, J. W. & 23 others, Halpern, M., Hilton, G. C., Jones, W. C., McMahon, J. J., Moncelsi, L., Nagy, J. M., Netterfield, C. B., Osherson, B., Padilla, I., Rahlin, A. S., Racine, B., Ruhl, J., Rudd, T. M., Shariff, J. A., Soler, J. D., Song, X., Ullom, J. N., Van Lanen, J., Vissers, M. R., Wehus, I. K., Wen, S., Wiebe, D. V. & Young, E., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 99140V. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • Far sidelobe effects from panel gaps of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope

    Fluxá Rojas, P. A., Dünner, R., Maurin, L., Choi, S. K., Devlin, M. J., Gallardo, P. A., Ho, S. P. P., Koopman, B. J., Louis, T., McMahon, J. J., Nati, F., Niemack, M. D., Newburgh, L., Page, L. A., Salatino, M., Schillaci, A., Schmitt, B. L., Simon, S. M., Staggs, S. T. & Wollack, E. J., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 99142Q. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    6 Scopus citations
  • First real-time detection of solar pp neutrinos by Borexino

    Pallavicini, M., Bellini, G., Benziger, J. B., Bick, D., Bonfini, G., Bravo, D., Caccianiga, B., Calaprice, F., Caminata, A., Cavalcante, P., Chavarria, A., Chepurnov, A., D'Angelo, D., Davini, S., Derbin, A., Empl, A., Etenko, A., Fomenko, K., Franco, D. & Gabriele, F. & 70 others, Galbiati, C., Gazzana, S., Ghiano, C., Giammarchi, M., Göger-Neff, M., Goretti, A., Gromov, M., Hagner, C., Hungerford, E., Ianni, A., Ianni, A., Kayser, M., Kobychev, V., Korablëv, D., Korga, G., Kryn, D., Laubenstein, M., Lehnert, B., Lewke, T., Litvinovich, E., Lombardi, F., Lombardi, P., Ludhova, L., Lukyanchenko, G., MacHulin, I., Manecki, S., Maneschg, W., Marcocci, S., Meindl, Q., Meroni, E., Meyer, M., Miramonti, L., Misiaszek, M., Montuschi, M., Mosteiro, P., Muratova, V., Oberauer, L., Obolensky, M., Ortica, F., Otis, K., Papp, L., Perasso, L., Pocar, A., Ranucci, G., Razeto, A., Re, A., Romani, A., Rossi, N., Saldanha, R., Salvo, C., Schönert, S., Simgen, H., Skorokhvatov, M., Smirnov, O., Sotnikov, A., Sukhotin, S., Suvorov, Y., Tartaglia, R., Testera, G., Vignaud, D., Vogelaar, R. B., Feilitzsch, F. V., Wang, H., Winter, J., Wojcik, M., Wurm, M., Zaimidoroga, O., Zavatarelli, S., Zuber, K. & Zuzel, G., Jul 6 2016, Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics 2014, RICAP 2014. Coniglione, R., De Bonis, G., Piattelli, P., Capone, A., De Vincenzi, M., Distefano, C., Morselli, A. & Sapienza, P. (eds.). EDP Sciences, 01001. (EPJ Web of Conferences; vol. 121).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • Kalman-Filter-based particle tracking on parallel architectures at Hadron Colliders

    Cerati, G., Tadel, M., Wurthwein, F., Yagil, A., Lantz, S., McDermott, K., Riley, D., Wittich, P. & Elmer, P., Oct 3 2016, 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2015. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 7581932. (2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2015).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Mechanical designs and development of TES bolometer detector arrays for the Advanced ACTPol experiment

    Ward, J. T., Austermann, J., Beall, J. A., Choi, S. K., Crowley, K. T., Devlin, M. J., Duff, S. M., Gallardo, P. A., Henderson, S. W., Ho, S. P. P., Hilton, G., Hubmayr, J., Khavari, N., Klein, J., Koopman, B. J., Li, D., McMahon, J., Mumby, G., Nati, F. & Niemack, M. D. & 10 others, Page, L. A., Salatino, M., Schillaci, A., Schmitt, B. L., Simon, S. M., Staggs, S. T., Thornton, R., Ullom, J. N., Vavagiakis, E. M. & Wollack, E. J., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 991437. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • Optical characterization of the BICEP3 CMB polarimeter at the South Pole

    Karkare, K. S., Ade, P. A. R., Ahmed, Z., Alexander, K. D., Amiri, M., Barkats, D., Benton, S. J., Bischoff, C. A., Bock, J. J., Boenish, H., Bowens-Rubin, R., Buder, I., Bullock, E., Buza, V., Connors, J., Filippini, J. P., Fliescher, S. T., Grayson, J. A., Halpern, M. & Harrison, S. A. & 39 others, Hilton, G. C., Hristov, V. V., Hui, H., Irwin, K. D., Kang, J. H., Karpel, E., Kefeli, S., Kernasovskiy, S. A., Kovac, J. M., Kuo, C. L., Leitch, E. M., Lueker, M., Megerian, K. G., Monticue, V., Namikawa, T., Netterfield, C. B., Nguyen, H. T., O'Brient, R., Ogburn, R. W., Pryke, C. L., Reintsema, C. D., Richter, S., St Germaine, M. T., Schwarz, R., Sheehy, C. D., Staniszewski, Z. K., Steinbach, B., Teply, G. P., Thompson, K. L., Tolan, J. E., Tucker, C., Turner, A. D., Vieregg, A. G., Wandui, A., Weber, A., Willmert, J., Wong, C. L., Wu, W. L. K. & Yoon, K. W., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 991430. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    13 Scopus citations
  • Optical modeling and polarization calibration for CMB measurements with ACTPol and Advanced ACTPol

    Koopman, B., Austermann, J., Cho, H. M., Coughlin, K. P., Duff, S. M., Gallardo, P. A., Hasselfield, M., Henderson, S. W., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Irwin, K. D., Li, D., McMahon, J., Nati, F., Niemack, M. D., Newburgh, L., Page, L. A., Salatino, M., Schillaci, A. & Schmitt, B. L. & 4 others, Simon, S. M., Vavagiakis, E. M., Ward, J. T. & Wollack, E. J., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 99142T. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    19 Scopus citations
  • Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru telescope: Overview, recent progress, and future perspectives

    Tamura, N., Takato, N., Shimono, A., Moritani, Y., Yabe, K., Ishizuka, Y., Ueda, A., Kamata, Y., Aghazarian, H., Arnouts, S., Barban, G., Barkhouser, R. H., Borges, R. C., Braun, D. F., Carr, M. A., Chabaud, P. Y., Chang, Y. C., Chen, H. Y., Chiba, M. & Chou, R. C. Y. & 80 others, Chu, Y. H., Cohen, J., De Almeida, R. P., De Oliveira, A. C., De Oliveira, L. S., Dekany, R. G., Dohlen, K., Dos Santos, J. B., Dos Santos, L. H., Ellis, R., Fabricius, M., Ferrand, D., Ferreira, D., Golebiowski, M., Greene, J. E., Gross, J., Gunn, J. E., Hammond, R., Harding, A., Hart, M., Heckman, T. M., Hirata, C. M., Ho, P., Hope, S. C., Hovland, L., Hsu, S. F., Hu, Y. S., Huang, P. J., Jaquet, M., Jing, Y., Karr, J., Kimura, M., King, M. E., Komatsu, E., Le Brun, V., Le Fèvre, O., Lefur, A., Le Mignant, D., Ling, H. H., Loomis, C. P., Lupton, R. H., Madec, F., Mao, P., Marrara, L. S., Mendes De Oliveira, C., Minowa, Y., Morantz, C., Murayama, H., Murray, G. J., Ohyama, Y., Orndorff, J., Pascal, S., Pereira, J. M., Reiley, D., Reinecke, M., Ritter, A., Roberts, M., Schwochert, M. A., Seiffert, M. D., Smee, S. A., Sodre, L., Spergel, D. N., Steinkraus, A. J., Strauss, M. A., Surace, C., Suto, Y., Suzuki, N., Swinbank, J., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Tamura, T., Tanaka, Y., Tresse, L., Verducci, O., Vibert, D., Vidal, C., Wang, S. Y., Wen, C. Y., Yan, C. H. & Yasuda, N., 2016, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI. Simard, L., Evans, C. J. & Takami, H. (eds.). SPIE, 99081M. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9908).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    114 Scopus citations
  • Readout of two-kilopixel transition-edge sensor arrays for Advanced ACTPol

    Henderson, S. W., Stevens, J. R., Amiri, M., Austermann, J., Beall, J. A., Chaudhuri, S., Cho, H. M., Choi, S. K., Cothard, N. F., Crowley, K. T., Duff, S. M., Fitzgerald, C. P., Gallardo, P. A., Halpern, M., Hasselfield, M., Hilton, G., Ho, S. P. P., Hubmayr, J., Irwin, K. D. & Koopman, B. J. & 13 others, Li, D., Li, Y., McMahon, J., Nati, F., Niemack, M., Reintsema, C. D., Salatino, M., Schillaci, A., Schmitt, B. L., Simon, S. M., Staggs, S. T., Vavagiakis, E. M. & Ward, J. T., 2016, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. Zmuidzinas, J. & Holland, W. S. (eds.). SPIE, 99141G. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9914).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    28 Scopus citations